Comparing Spiritual With Unspiritual

This an interesting comparison between the
NIV and KJV in regards to specific key words.

Words in AV 1611:      KJV          NIV
Repent =                46           39
Repentance =            26           21
Rebellion =              9           42
Rebellious =            36           42
Iniquities =            56           11
Iniquity =             278           14
JESUS =                  6            2
Jesus =                977         1272
Sins =                 173          292
Sin =                  447          473
Sinner =                21           20
Doctrine =              51            5
Doctrines =              5            2
Preacher =              11            1
Hell =                  54           14
LORD =                6470         6552
Lord =                1365          932
Christ =               555          530
Heaven =               582          422
Judgment =             294          132
Blood =                447          405
Love =                 310          551
Lovely =                 4           11
Love's =                 1            0
Loves =                  3           76
Loved =                 98           94
Holy =                 611          581
GOD =                  309            1
God =                 4134         3968
God's =                 26          207
Gods =                 244          271
Grace =                170          131
Faith =                247          270
Faithfulness =          19           59
Faithful =              82           83
Saviour =               37           55 (spelled "Savior" in NIV)
Peace =                429          250
HOLINESS =               3            0
Holiness =              40           25
Satan =                 55           53
Devils =                55            3
Devil =                 61           33
Demon =                  0           16
Demons =                 0           49
Lucifer =                1            0
Antichrist =             4            4
Antichrists =            1            1
Obedient =              16           10
Obedience =             12           17
Sodomite =               1            0
Effeminate =             1            0
Death =                372          450
Dead =                 364          314
Unclean =              194          209
Uncleanness =           40           18
Trespass =              82            5
Vile =                  19           26
Church =                77           79
Pharisee =              11           12
Pharisee's =             2            2
Pharisees =             87           84
Obey =                  69          165
Heathen =              150            1
Justification =          3            4
Justify =               11            7
Justified =             43           22
Judge =                191          153
Hypocrite =             10            2
Hypocrisy =              6            6
Believe =              143          160
Abomination =           75            5
Hypocritical =           2            1
Hate =                  87           80
Hatred =                18           11
Hateful =                3            0
Haters =                 2            0
Gentiles =             129           93
Gentile =                2           11
Fornication =           36            0
Fool =                  66           82
Evil =                 612          454
Corrupt =               33           26
Blasphemy =              9           14

Phrases in AV1611:     KJV          NIV
Lord Jesus Christ =     84           60
Lord Jesus =           115          101
Jesus Christ =         187          132
The Son of God =        45           39
Lake of fire =           4            3
Man of sin =             1            0
Son of perdition =       2            0
Great tribulation =      3            1
Coming of the (our)
     Lord (Jesus) =      8            5

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