Rock Music: The Devil's Advocate Did you know some rock stars claim to really be "preachers" for Satan? Megadeth sings in "The Conjuring", "I am the devil s advocate! A salesman, if you will..." Was the song "Hotel California" by the Eagles, a reference to the Church of Satan originally a converted hotel located on California Street!
Premature Death of Rock Stars A detailed list of over 300 rock stars death. Includes summary of causes and life expectancy comparison. The life expectancy of Americans is 75.8 years. The life expectancy of a rock star is only 36.9 years. Very interesting.
Rock Music & Jesus Christ Why is it that throughout rock music there is a vicious attack upon Jesus Christ. Not Buddha... Not Mohammed... Not Allah... Only One Person Jesus Christ! Read the many, many examples. And find out why!
It's Only Rock' n Roll... But It Kills Teenage suicide has increased over 300 per cent since 1950! The National Education Association says, "... teenage suicides are linked to depression fueled by fatalistic music and lyrics." Is rock music killing our kids?
Christian Rock: Exposed Have Amy Grant, Sandi Patti, Michael W. Smith, DC Talk, Carman, Moritification and the Christian Rock "stars" sold the Lord out? Why do occult symbols keep "popping up" in Christian Rock? Why is it the name of Jesus Christ is not found in much of the Contemporary Christian Music? Who is the god of Christian Contemporary Music?
Bible Guidelines for Christian Music What does the Bible say about Christian music? Does the Bible endorse a certain style? What saith the scriptures?
Christian Rock: Questions and Answers We've answered many of the questions you've asked. Questions like - "What's Wrong with using Rock music as a tool to reach young people?" or "What gives you the right to judge CCM artists?" or "Didn't Martin Luther use bar tunes in his music?"
Where is CCM's "New Song"? Where is CCM's "New Song", the Lord mentions in Psalms 40:3? We list over 200 "secular songs" (some by extremely anti-Christian groups) by CCM artists. Unbelievable. . .
Take the Christian Contemporary Music Test Is Christian Contemporary Music (CCM) really Christian? A simple test should answer that question. . .
Is Music Neutral? Supporters of Christian Rock claim that music is neutral - that tones, rhythms, and notes are neutral. But what are the facts? What does science, medicine, physiology and God say about the neutrality of music? Is rock music inherently evil? Read the facts.